Pre-Procedure Instructions
- Visitors: No visitor(s) or children would be allowed with the client at anytime during the appointment. The guest(s) must wait outside (in the hallway or in the vehicle).
- Photo ID: Please bring along a government issued photo ID; it is a state requirement for any tattoo procedure (TAC §229.406).
- Avoid alcohol the day before any permanent makeup procedure.
- Medications list: Please bring your medications list with you (both prescriptions and OTC).
- Social plans: Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell slightly, or redden, it is advised not to make social plans for 2-3 days after eyeliner. Lip liner may appear “crusty” for up to one week. No water activities (pools, beach, etc) for up to 2 weeks.
- Eyebrows: If unwanted hair is normally removed in the area to be treated, i.e.; tweezing, threading or waxing, the hair removal should be done at least 72 hours prior to your procedure. Electrolysis should not be done within five days of the procedure. Do not resume any method of hair removal for a week after the procedure. If eyelashes or eyebrows are normally dyed, do not have that procedure done within 72 hours of this procedure. Wait one week after the eyebrow or eyeliner procedure before dying lashes or brows. Please bring your favorite brow pencil/powder and your pictures to show how you like to draw them.
- Eyeliner: Please do not bring anyone else's eyeliner pics as examples of your preferred eyeliner, since your eyes/eyelids and facial features would most probably be different than everyone else's. Instead, please spend sometime in front of the mirror and meticulously apply the eyeliner (that you would like to have permanently tattooed on your eyelids) yourself or with the help of family/friend. If it can be applied with pencil/liquid on your eyes, it can be tattooed on your eyelids. Next, please take multiple close-up pictures in good lighting with both the eyes open and eyes closed preferably using the main/primary camera of your phone (not the selfies). Please refer to multiple before and after pictures of eyeliner for reference. On the day of the procedure, please arrive for your appointment with no eye makeup. As we try to remove the "waterproof" makeup and/or mascara, it irritates the skin before we even start the procedure. The eye makeup must be removed the night before so the eyelids are well rested. If you wear contact lenses and are having the eyeliner done, do not wear your lenses to your appointment and bring your eye-glasses to your appointment. If you wear lash-extensions and are having the top or bottom eyeliner done, please have them professionally removed at least 3 to 4 days before the procedure, so there is no residue of glue left. You must wait a period of one year after any surgical procedures to have a cosmetic tattoo procedure performed on your eyes. This includes, but is not limited to the following: Lasik, blepharoplasty, cornea repair, lens replacement, refractive eye surgery, etc. Medical clearance (doctor's note) is required for procedures within one year after any major surgery.
- Lips: If you are having lips procedure done and have had previous problems with cold sores, fever blisters, or mouth ulcers (even once in life), the procedure is likely to re-activate the problem. It is recommended you obtain a prescribed antiviral medication. The medication must be started at least two days prior to the procedure, and finished at least two days after the procedure. Please contact your prescribing physician with questions.
- Antibiotics: If you are required to take antibiotic medication prior to seeing your dentist, you will need to take antibiotic medication prior to having your procedure done.
- Avoid aspirin and non-aspirin blood-thinning products for 7 days prior to all procedures unless medically necessary.
- Avoid Vitamin E and Niacin for two weeks prior to all procedures unless medically necessary.
- It is recommended to be off of Accutane for one year, prior to all procedures.
- It is recommended to be off Retin A or Renova for 30 days, prior to a procedure.
- No pets are permitted (except service animals under ADA).
- You may review Post Procedure Instructions here.
We look forward to working with you. If you have any questions, please call or make notes so we can discuss them with you when you arrive for your appointment.